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Kisnard Online is a free to play, 2D fantasy/medieval pixel art mmorpg!  Kisnard online was inspired by Dransik, Ashen Empire, Runescape, and Ultima Online.  Adventure on quests, explore the huge world, specialize in various tradeskills, slay mythical monsters, team up to fight bosses, interact with many npcs, grow powerful in level and name, loot rare treasures, duel other players in live pvp, and much much more.  Kisnard Online is constantly being improved with new content and features.  All game related info will be posted here and on Discord.  Come join us in game!

Music In Progress

A few of the community members have been working on music for the game. I have been working on implementing it into the game. I can draw it to a tile precision.

music zones on map

In addition to the music I have been working on huge balancing updates. The monsters/armor/weapons make much more sense now for their various levels and drops. I also added in ability to craft rings/necklaces in Alchemy. Bug fixes too, of course. Stay tuned.

Version 0.9.7 patch

New Features

  • NPCs with chats and/or quest available show bubbles over their head. The ‘Q’ and ‘C’ will be colored for available, in progress, and completed.
  • Able to travel to Corsinth Castle and progress to harder monsters
  • Added drops to many monsters
  • Locked down GM DEV window more – no longer show players online to non gmdevs who open the window (even though friends window has it)
  • SITE: make navigation more streamlined
  • SITE: addition of image slideshow on homepage

Gameplay Changes

  • Tweaked the exp tables at lvl 45+
  • Have to be able to reasonably hit a monster to gain blocking exp (and be actively attacking)
  • Redrew the whole mainland – made the map much smaller – more intimate
  • Balanced many aspects of the game – tradeskill success rates, monster strength, etc.
  • Failing on crafting (Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Cooking) gives 1/3 of successful exp

Bug Fixes

  • Fix guards not following the mob target well
  • Selling items in shop show as their correct price (half of what they can be bought for)
  • NPC and mobs randomly getting stuck in place

Listed on MMOsite

Got listed on MMOsite yesterday!! Super excited all!! They have a community of over 6 million members and growing!

Kisnard Online at MMOsite

We have already seen a growth in the playerbase in one day. Hoping we get some really cool people playing and into the game. Also been advertising on Facebook and going to start Google AdWords too! As always, I would appreciate any help – word of mouth is great 🙂

Here is the link to the writeup they did in their news section. Kisnard Online: New 32 Bit Medieval MMORPG

Here is the Kisnard Online listing on their site. If you would not mind giving a (hopefully good) rating of the game it would be very much appreciated!! Use their buttons to share with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.



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