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44000 Lines of Code

Here’s to more and more lines of code!  I am still working hard at polishing the game (new art, new features, bug fixes, etc.) and the custom graphical user interface (GUI) is looking awesome.  I ran my code analytics tool just for kicks(and because my hands are cramping).

I can’t even believe that I am up to 44,000 lines of code so far.  That is wayyyy to many LOC.  And that is after I did some refactoring the other night.  This does not include all of the damage that the website and database typing has done to my hands… arthritis.

44,000 lines of code

Hoping to have the next release online very soon. Cecihoney, Kisnard Online’s talented artist, is hard at work on the artwork end. Stay tuned!

Java SSL issues solved

For all of you that had noticed, there were some issues with the server due to SSL certificate issues the past week. The server has been down as a result – for your protection. There was a bug in openssl that allowed for a man-in-the-middle attack and it is now fixed.

I am still keeping the server down for the time being while I work on more content fixes and while our amazing artist works on some more assets for the game. Stay tuned for the big release 0.9.5!!

WordPress now used for website

I officially changed my site to use WordPress instead of doing all of the posts/pagination manually in php code.  Now my site will support comments on individual posts and each post will also have its own dedicated URL for hot-linking purposes.  Hopefully, this will also help a little bit with the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and help get some more players here.  I am always looking into new ways to advertise and promote the game!


I’m already using the following WordPress plugins:

  • WordPress SEO by Yoast

  • Akismet

I am liking some of the plugins I have found so far on WordPress.  Add any of your favorites in the comments.



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