Kisnard Online is a free to play, 2D fantasy/medieval pixel art mmorpg! Kisnard online was inspired by Dransik, Ashen Empire, Runescape, and Ultima Online. Adventure on quests, explore the huge world, specialize in various tradeskills, slay mythical monsters, team up to fight bosses, interact with many npcs, grow powerful in level and name, loot rare treasures, duel other players in live pvp, and much much more. Kisnard Online is constantly being improved with new content and features. All game related info will be posted here and on Discord. Come join us in game!
Version 1.4.5 patch
New Features
- Weapons and armors have rarity tiers which give unique buffs
- Stats info button added to character screen
- Journeyman armor set added
- Ability to align to devil/saint allegiance on character screen
- Open treasure messages show quantity, plus, and rarity modifiers
Gameplay Changes
- Adjusted allegiance color scale and names
- Holy/Criminal guards temporarily not attacking devil/saint allegiance
- Looting and killing players/npcs as devil allegiance increases allegiance
- Increased Ice Devil spawns and decreased Chilled Castle spawns
- Attack targets removed when using ladders, caves, etc.
- Increased health and mana boosts
- Buffed monsters over level 40
Bug Fixes
- Character db saves will rollback too – preventing bugged items on server crash
- Fixed crashes when lots of things were occurring near you
- Fixed a bug allowing moving stuff on ground far distances – thanks Wandrark
- Probably fixed mobs not respawning bug article
Ollie at covered an awesome Indie Spotlight on Kisnard Online. So well written and hits on some differentiating features of Kisnard Online. Check out MMOGames on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Check it out:
Version 1.4.2 patch
New Features
- Harvesting has a chance to drop seeds
- Added seed drops to monsters and shops
- Added Holiday Island teleport in Brethden
- Polearms can hit from 2 tiles away with 75% damage
- Lower elemental armor drops from monsters
- Mailbox gifts show plus color and looted red border
- Added more potions with buffs
- Outlaws – criminal NPCs that spawn in random places
- PC: Overweight icon added below hit info
- Respawning monsters have chance to come back in multiples
- Gathering tradeskills have a chance to summon a monster
Gameplay Changes
- Bow/Crossbow target only removed when PvP
- Plussed weapons and armors get enchanting level plus a modifier
- Elemental weapons more scaled towards elemental damage
- Beginner weapons received from quest gives cannot be plussed
- Mele attack stat bonus linked to weapon class (i.e. strength for axes, blunts, swords)
- Corpses can be looted at 2 minutes and cleaned looted at 4 minutes
- Corpses last for 8 minutes until they disappear – stuff no longer drops to ground
- Nerfed food and tomes a bit
- Adjusted item weights
- Line of sight updates for buildings and mountains
- Uber daily rewards quantity multiplier reduced
Bug Fixes
- Ground moves can only move within player reach
- Tradeskill spots not respawning if two players take last resource
- Daily quests could reward 0 quantity items – thanks FatAdam
- Enchanting button enchants first weapon/armor of that enchanting level
- Hopefully fixed edge case ability to duplicate weapons, armors, items
- Inspect and equip requirements fixed for weapon and armor
- HUGE DB weapon/armor/item cleanup and optimized error checking
- PC: Corpse window was not showing last row
- Auto crafting turned off when using regular create buttons