New Features
- Enchanting is here. Speak with the Wandering Wizard to enchant your items through +4
- Holiday islands added with dev/gm tools to turn Holiday island teleporters on and off
- Trades town major mapping updates
- Added most collected section on the leaderboards
- Gathering tradeskills drop skill tomes
- SERVER: more efficient database saving
- ANDROID: added leaderboard button in place of forums
- SITE: added level and age on player wiki page
Gameplay Changes
- Able to change player name while in a guild
- Buffed elemental armors
- Increased spawn of salamanders poison
- Database prepwork to extend guild functionality
- Skills and overall level exp progress bars consistent on PC and Android
- Removed DEVs from leaderboards
Bug Fixes
- Plussed items stats same for some plus levels of same item
- ANDROID:Rivals window crashes if rival has arrows/bolts equipped
Posted in Release Notes | 04/03/2021 | No Comments ยป
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