+1 Chainmail Greaves |
Stealth is a thing of the past. |
Stats: |
armor: 5 | e-type: None | e-armor: 0 |
| weight: 3 | |
Required: |
str: 17 | lvl: 10 | dex: 0 |
con: 13 | skill: 1 | int: 0 |
| s-type: Blocking | |
Increases: |
str: 0 | skill: 0 | dex: 0 |
con: 0 | s-type: None | int: 0 |
health: 0 | armor: 0 | damage: 0.0 |
mana: 0 | e-armor: 0 | e-damage: 0.0 |
exp: 0.0 | gold: 0.0 | luck: 0.0 |
| light: +0.0 | |
Status: |
looter: no | lootee: no |